Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A Gift from God

OK, just so you know - I have two other unfinished "draft" blogs that maybe one day I'll publish. I've found this is a good medium for me to write/say what's going on and what I'm being taught and learning. It's good because I'm not a talk about feelings kind of person. I'm quite content to keep to myself, thank you very much. I saw an eCard the other day that said "I'm not crying. I'm allergic to feelings." Ouch - how true that is of me most days. But for the few people who might read this blog - here's real life. Here's the real heart and soul of at least some of what I'm learning and . . . gulp . . . feeling.

OK, so not a new revelation per se - but a good, swift kick in the pants for me. Friends. What? Yeah, so? No, you don't get it. Friends, compadres, soul sisters, BFFs - call it what you want but you gotta have them. And you can't ever take them for granted because they truly are a gift from God. Let me explain.

Most of us (or me anyway) have lots of people we are friendly with. We have lots of acquaintances and people that we are comfortable being around. We can have a good time with them, enjoy game night or a movie or pick your activity and it's nice. And it's comfortable. And that's good - we should all strive for those people. They help keep life good.

But then there are the friends. These are the people who "get you." These are the people who have seen you at your very worst but love you anyway. These are the people who want to know more than just the superficial about what is going on in your life. Some of the people you are friendly with may want to know that too - but for different reasons. They are curious, but truthfully uncommitted to whatever you share. Your friends want to go beyond the superficial because there is a commitment. There is action on their part when you share your story. And your friends share their life and their stories too. It's a two way street.

Those people whom I'm friendly with - most of the time, I know more about them then they will ever know about me. That's the kind of person apparently I am. A "friend" told me last night I was a manipulator - not necessarily a bad thing, but I liked to be in control of situations. I told her she was nuts and wrong. And her response was to consider the people I know and how much I know about them and then how much they know about me. Grudgingly I'll give her half a point in that arena. Let me clarify - I'm never going to share everything with everybody. There is no need and some things are just better left on a need to know basis. There are things that I'll share with one person because at the time, that's what is needed. I may never share it with anyone else ever again. But apparently my MO is to get through the back door and into other peoples' heads while protecting myself from their curiosity. I think of Snape trying to teach Harry Potter occlumency (ok random I know) when I consider how I might be perceived sometimes. But I digress.

Friends. These are the people who love you, fight for you and will kick your butt when you're being an idiot. The people who know your quirks and your talents, your likes and dislikes, your dog's name. They've got your back. Like here are some for examples:

They know Saturday mornings are hard times to hang out alone so they call you for Starbucks and you go every Saturday morning for like 3 or 4 years.

They travel with you for a couple of weeks at a time and still like to hang out when you get home.

They take time to come over and make sure your dog is ok while you're at work - even on days you don't expect them.

They share their past to let you know you aren't the only person with one.

They listen to your struggles and pray you through them.

They hug like Jesus - even when they know you're not a "touchy feely" person. They do it anyway.

They hold you accountable to your goals and dreams - and asks you to do the same for them.

They live Jesus before you and challenge you to live for Him too.

I've been blessed with a few really good friends - true gifts. But what I was reminded of today is you have to let them know. You never know when it will be the last time to tell them how much you appreciate them, what they mean to you, what they've done for you. You never know what difference it could mean to share how important they are to you. You just never know when they'll be gone or you'll be gone. You just don't know and so let your friends know and frequently how important they are to you and how glad you are they are in your life. Make the most of every opportunity. Thank them and thank God for them. They truly are a gift!!

1 comment:

  1. So very true. A very good friend of mine moved away this week. We will always be friends but I'll miss having her near enough to spend time togehter. Make the most of every opportunity and thank God for those gifts!


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