Friday, October 8, 2010

Random Thoughts

It's been quite some time since I've been on a blog. I think I have one somewhere else and if you know where I am - please let me know. But I guess I'll take a stab at starting one again. I was inspired (so to speak) by two events. One was the movie "Julie and Julia" and the other was a friend who has blogged some very powerful, thought-provoking topics. So, for safety and so that maybe you'll check in from time to time - I do not plan to work my way through a cookbook in the next year - especially not a French cookbook. I will however do my best to share how God is working in my life and how my chats with the cacti remind me that He is present - in the midst of the driest desert. So come back by from time to time - we'll see where this goes!

1 comment:

  1. I so want the cookbook! You can start with chocolate cake:)


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