Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good-bye 2011, Hello 2012

It's hard to believe it is the end of another year. Where in the world has time gone? I look back (or at least try to) and journey through what all has happened this year. Let's see . . . in the spring, I finished up a study on the book of Isaiah. Good, detailed, hard, and encouraging all at the same time. We started a study of Acts of the Apostles this year - looking at the book of Acts along with other books of the new testament that fall during that time period. I taught another year at SEMO - I always end up asking myself if I want to do it again. So far, I haven't told myself "no."
I went out west again (I think perhaps one of my most favorite areas of the US). This year was especially special as I got to share it with someone who hadn't been there before. She saw the Grand Canyon for the first time and could sense the awe as I do every time I go. It is just a HUGE example of how BIG my God is. We spent time in Arizona and then in New Mexico - got to see parts of the state prior to the forest fire (so glad we did). A dear friend of mine pained a picture of the Grand Canyon for me - it hangs in my living room above the TV. It is absolutely amazing how talented she is - it looks like she has been there.
The pharmacy moved to a new location this year - in the new Heart Hospital and Cancer Institute. It is beautiful and big. So nice - the first new pharmacy we've had. We (Dad and I) went to a pharmacy meeting in New Orleans in December and then the family joined us for a weekend - what a crazy place!! Just another reminder of what a "small town" girl I am.
We went to Florida and had a family reunion with my family, grandma, uncle and his family and aunt and her family. We haven't all been together since Janet's wedding in 2005 - pretty neat!! We came in right after one of the hurricanes, so the shelling was great!
I think perhaps one of my biggest life changes was getting a dog. Her name is Sedona. She is a Heinz 57 variety that was part of a litter from a rescued mother dog. She is sweet and cuddly and excitable and tiring - everything a puppy should be. We're working on housebreaking right now - wow - that's intense and trying to keep the chewing of important stuff to a minimum. So far - it's only been a bathmat.
If I were a better blogger, I would have remember many other things that have happened this year - unfortunately - on December 31 - it is difficult to remember January 1st.
What am I hoping for the New Year? I hope to post more frequently so I remember my blessings and trials and can see God's faithfulness every day.
This year, my desire is to do the "Radical Experiment." It comes from a book written by David Platt called Radical. I highly recommend it. It includes reading through the entire Bible over the course of a year, praying for the world over the year, getting actively involved in a multiplying body, making a financial sacrifice for a specific purpose and looking to give time in another context. It sounds daunting and almost impossible, but I know it's not about me and what I can do. I am praying that it will open my eyes to see what Christ sees and open my heart to feel like he does. I hope to become less so He becomes more.
So, thankful for the lessons and memories of 2011 - looking forward to 2012. And maybe on December 31, 2012 I'll have new memories and lessons learned. That is, if Jesus doesn't come back first. Then, all bets are off!
Remember Whose you are!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Time Flies . . .

So I had a friend (well a couple really) who wanted to know why I hadn't blogged in like, wow, really over a year?! I guess I think about it some, but thinking and doing are 2 different things. So here is a brief note, to let you all know (and you know who you are) that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth and that I promise I will get back to blogging. Soon. I hope.